Ricerca Progetti di ricercaREPLAN EU Project description
Project description
The Replan EU Jean Monnet Module "Implementing Resilience and Recovery Plans in Italy and Beyond" is structured around three complementary axes:
A Master's course, "Policy-making in the EU multi-level system (previously entitled Politics of European Integration)" at the University of Florence. The new curriculum will address a) the structure, funding, and governance mechanisms of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) in general and b) critical issues in the implementation of reforms in three policy pillars of National Plans, namely: the green transition, the digital transformation, and social and territorial cohesion. While the main study case will be the Italian recovery plan "Italia Domani", being Italy the biggest recipient of RRF funding, the overall approach will include systematic comparisons with other national cases.
A seminar series open to students and citizens to be organized during the year. Guest speakers will be scholars, policymakers, and policy experts exchanging ideas on ongoing developments on the primary missions of NRRPs.
An annual conference devoted to taking stock of the state of advancement of NRRPs. This event will gather policymakers, academic experts, and students for one day to discuss topics related to the module.
They speak about us:
UNIFI magazine "NextGenerationEU e Pnrr: corso specialistico e seminari aperti ai cittadini"
Euractiv Italia "Due anni di PNRR – Tempo di un primo bilancio"