Ricerca Progetti di ricercaGalimberti DeborahProfile
Current position
Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Italy
Previous academic appointments
- Post-doc, Franche-Comté University, Faculty of Economics, Law, Management and Political Sciences, France (2017-2018)
- Post-doc, École des Ponts - Paris Institute of Technology, France (2017)
- Contract lecturer in political science (Lille 2 University - Department of Law, Political and Social Sciences; Jean Monnet University St-Etienne - Department of Political and Territorial Studies) France (2016-2017)
- Research and teaching assistant in political science, Institute of Political Science of Lyon, France (2013-2015)
- Research assistant, ENS (École normale supérieure) Lyon, Triangle UMR 5206 (Action, discourses, economic and political thought) research centre, France (2012)
- PhD fellow, Jean Monnet University St-Etienne, Triangle UMR 5206 (Action, discourses, economic and political thought) research centre, France (2009-2011)
2015 PhD in Political science - European Urban and Local Studies, Lyon University and University of Milan Bicocca.
Dissertation title: Gouverner le développement économique des territoires: entre politique et société. Une comparaison des regions de Lyon et Milan (1970-2011), defended in French (19th October) with honours.
Committee members:
Luigi Burroni, Prof. economic sociology, University of Florence
Francesca Governa, Prof. political and economic geography, Polytechnic University of Turin
Enzo Mingione (supervisor), Prof. sociology, University of Milan-Bicocca
Romain Pasquier, CNRS Director, Institute of Political Science of Rennes
Gilles Pinson (supervisor), Prof. political science, Institute of Political Science of Bordeaux
Yves Surel, Prof. political Science, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas
2008 M.Sc. in Economics and Management, Bocconi University of Milan. Final grade: 109/110 (very good). Dissertation in sociology on the concept of social exclusion (Department of Institutional Analysis and Public Management). Supervisor Prof. Sandro Roventi.
2008 Exchange student, Sciences Po, Curriculum: Master of Urban and Regional Policies.