Visiting professors


The Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Florence (DSPS) welcomes and recognizes the role of Visiting Professors in furthering the University’s cultural and scientific internationalization. For this purpose, it promotes the visit of highly qualified professors, researchers and scholars, belonging to foreign universities, research or higher education institutions.


Activities requested from a Visiting Professor

  • Educational activities and/or seminars within an Educational Programme of the university;
  • Research activities and possibly seminars;
  • The Visiting Professor can be a member of examination commissions and supervise theses.


Period of visit at Unifi and benefits

A Visiting Professor’s period of visit at Unifi can range from a minimum of 30 consecutive days to a maximum of 12 months. During his/her visit at Unifi, the Visiting Professor is provided with:

  • A 2500 euros grant for each visiting proposal selected by DPSPS.
  • support relating to the procedures for entry in Italy, if needed;
  • adequate work station within the Department, as well as any spaces and equipment for carrying out the agreed activities;
  • insurance coverage for accidents and civil liability;
  • access to online databases;
  • access to the University libraries;
  • e-mail account;
  • access to university canteens.


How to be a Visiting Professor

The status of Visiting Professor is to be conferred by the Director of the hosting Department by means of a specific provision and it is to be valid for the entire duration of the activities to be carried out at the University.

Interested scholars can submit their application by filling in the following form (link), together with the CV and a cover letter to the following address:


We invite applicants to submit the form twice a year (approximately in February and November of each year).


Alternatively, it is possible to visit the Department within the Erasmus+ program or similar. Please visit the School of Political Science webpage for further information about the International Week.


Welcome Service Unifi

Regolamento in materia di Visiting Professor

Request Form

Refund guidelines

Richiesta rimborso spese per il personale straniero

International Academics UNIFI

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